Adams County 4-H Members Council

About Us
The Adams County 4-H Members Council is made up of 4-H members from around the County. All 4-H members are invited to come and get involved. The purpose of Council is to plan, design and implement county wide 4-H activities while learning leadership, decision making, and program development. Some of the activities sponsored by the Members’ Council include: Cloverbud Easter Egg Hunt, 4-H Movie Night, Countywide community service projects and the Annual Achievement Banquet.
Our Purpose
To provide leadership, decision-making and program development experience for the 4-H youth of Adams County. This group may assume or initiate expanded and/or new programs. To design and implement programs and activities based on the interests of the majority of Adams County 4-H youth. To assist as a vital communication link between the youth and each local club and county committee, and the Extension
All registered 4-H members are encouraged to attend County 4-H Members’ Council meetings, participate in programs and serve on committees. The voting delegates of the Council shall be two representatives for each 15 members of each local 4-H club, chosen by the club membership with a maximum of four members per club: one to fifteen members, 2 representatives; sixteen to thirty members, 3 representatives; thirty one or more members, 4 representatives.
Meeting Times
Meetings are typically held on the first Tuesday of each month at 6:30pm except for August. Times and location are posted in the Adams County 4-H Calendar.