Join 4-H as a Volunteer Leader

How to Join
The first step in becoming a 4-H volunteer leader is to choose a the level of volunteer commitment that is right for you. In Adams County we have Organizational Leaders, Project Leaders, Activity Leaders, and Resource Leaders. Organizational Leaders manage each 4-H club, and are the direct link to the county 4-H office for their club. Project Leaders assist the organizational leaders and typically have (or acquire) knowledge to assist members working in certain project areas. Sometimes big clubs will divide the jobs and have several project leaders to meet all the interests of the 4-H members. Activity Leaders also assist clubs and the county 4-H office by helping with specific activities or events. Resource leaders are similar to Project Leaders, but instead of working with a specific club, they work with youth from many different clubs to enhance learning in specific areas.
Contact a local 4-H Club Leader to see if there is room in an existing club near you. If not, several young people with an adult or two to help them may start a new club.
For a list of clubs organized in Adams County please see our current Club Guide & Information Page.
4-H Projects
Find out what projects 4-H offers to young people, and where your resources can used the most. There are over 60 different projects divided into more than 225 divisions. These divisions range from arts and crafts, photography, model rocketry, foods, clothing, gardening, wildlife, woodworking, to dog obedience, small animals, horses and livestock.
Full State & County Project List | Proyectos Estatales 4-H